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22 March 20

Murano Design: eternal tradition

Murano Design brings in a new concept the ancient Murano’s glass art without losing the millenarian tradition of it. Discover this new brand and let that the Murano glass delights you.

lavorazione vetro in fornace

Venice, one of the most famous cities around the world, amazing for its nature, rich of charms, traditions and culture. A magical city built on the water ages ago, it is composed by 100 small islands connected by small bridges. Everyone dreams to visit Venice once in his life, Americans, Asians, Europeans, Africans, everyone wants to lose himself between the “calles” until arriving in San Marco square, one of the most beautiful squares in the world. In the opposite side of the island, in the lagoon of Venice, there is another small archipelago of nine islands called Murano.

We all heard about Murano almost once in life, or better about the glass of Murano. The Murano’s glass has ancient origin dates back to the tenth century, when the Venetians started to work the glass. In 1295 the Venetian Republic decided to move all the glass factories and laboratories in the island of Murano because it was considered very dangerous. Nowadays, in the island of Murano, the glass’s working tradition is still carried out for generations inside the furnaces.

In 2007, Ivan, Alessandro and Filippo, three glassmaker masters, founded Murano Design after several years spent learning all the glass secrets. From that day in 2007  Murano Design became a synonymous of quality, tradition and novelty. It combines old millennial tradition with the modern style of our time manufacturing beautiful items out of the ordinary. Every object is completely hand – made by a single glassmaker master and they have the most different shapes and colors. The masters use all the production techniques: incalmo, filigree and murine.

bicchieri di design

But, how do the brickworks work and how these incredible objects are made? Murano Design explains to us:

The working structure inside the furnace is called “piazza”. The piazza is composed by a master, a sirvente, a serventin and a garzone (apprentice). The first thing to do is to weight the raw materials that are combined inside a concrete mixer, once this operation is done, the “mixture” is poured inside a melting pot with a color. The melting pot is located above a banked top, called banco, which divided the blast furnace from the firebox. In the walls of the oven there are some openings called bocche (mouths) which are closed by a flag stones during the fusion at 1400° C. This step of production takes 9 hours. Then the temperature is dropped to 1000°C to not make the glass too much fluid. Once the mass is ready the serventin uses a long iron blowing cane to take a clot of incandescent “pasta”, the clot is working until a good compactness and homogeneity are obtained.

He blows inside the “bolo” to create a balloon that is allowed to cool while another clot is taking out from the oven and then mixed together, this operation is repeated until the size and the shape is perfect. During these operations the glass is put inside the furnace several times to not drop the temperature. The item can remain out of the oven for just few minutes, one of the main abilities of the master is to work the glass in the short time available. Once the item is completed it is put in cooling oven where the temperature drops from 520°C to ambient.

murano design

lampada cactus Murano design

We at Edonart believe that Murano Design represents the Italian manufacture excellence that all the world envies us and that make us proud to be Italians, carry on our traditions. During these years Murano Design won several prizes. In 2015 it has been selected from the Italian Agency of the Foreign Commercial to be inside the Artex catalogue, a famous catalogue for the American buyers who want shop real Made in Italy products. From 2015 it participates at Maison & Object salon in Paris where this year they presented the Cactus Lamp, a revisiting of the Cactus vase (available on Edonart) that now it is not “just a design object” but it became a stunning lamp.

Murano Design items are stunning with their modern design and collections out of the ordinary. Every single piece is one of a kind, from glasses inspired by the Gaudì and Mirò’s masterpieces, to the vases decorated with the murine, the symbol of the Venetian art glass. The modern vase made with golden leaves and the chandelier in different shapes.

All the Murano Design products are authentic and certificates: classic glasses, modern glasses, pitchers, vases and home décor for every kind of house.


Enter in our shop and discover the products of Murano Design or contact us to create and customize your set of glasses or your vase.

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